Bethany (she/her) is a New York based actor, with an MFA in Acting from The New School for Drama. Originally from Elmhurst, IL, she came to New York via Ireland. Select credits include: Fish Food for Feelings, Ampathy, Whiskey Pants (MTAE), Jump It (FringeNYC) and Brainpeople (Paper Rain Productions). Film and Web credits include MEET: the Webseries, Give It Time and Jane be Jane.
For more info:
War Words (Kimberley), Pastel Color Ripples (Pam), The Jackson C. Frank Listening Party w/ Special Guests (Mom), Invincible Ones (ASM), Janie Wants a Dog Darkroom Developed Reading (Perry), Meaningful Conversation (Nat), Still Dance the Stars (Anne), Tilly - part of Our Walk Through the Wold / Ross Howard Festival (Tilly), Strange Country (Jamie), Monte Cristo (Luigi Vampa), In the Soundless Awe (Ensemble), A Midsummer Night's Dream (Lysander/Fairy), SIDD (Ensemble), @War - for The Equilibrium in London (British Woman)
During the pandemic, Bethany served on the Darkroom, Radio Drama, & Time Machine Committees.